Imagine turning the light on/off respectively slightly dimming it alltogether appear to be the only possibilities for a room illumination. Those options would not suffice to be be labelled a comprehensive lighting concept, would they?
Why be so unambitious when it comes to smelling? To prevent an obtrusive over-odourization many technical solutions only offer the option to decrease their intensity alltogether.
Not so MAGIC BOX Scent-Directing which distinguishes between the distinct olfactorial experience that is lived briefly but intensively and the remaining different intensity-levels down to a neutral, scent-less elimination of bad odours. > Scent Objectives
Changing fragrances and ambient conceptions consisting of several different scents can also be offered due to our close cooperation with other specialists being:
- Fair organizers and exhibition booth crafters
- Mobile air conditioning providers
- Technicians and operators of different locations
- Special Effects providers.