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Fair booth odourization, fair odourization, fair-odourization, fair-booth-odourization
FairCube »Marine« - 9m²
Vkf/Tasting - 3x1m²
»Reach the Objective of Scent Marketing«
How products & brands are recognized blindly

Many of the various channels for brand emotionalization are overused. The medium that is scent on the other hand is yet little consumed and thus highly credible.

The idea of Scent Marketing is not new, though.
Who does not recognize the distinct scent of Nivea, fresh, young, clean. But not every product is made to smell. Just think about financial services or deeply frozen meals. Nonetheless it is possible to deliver your product by means of your customers´ nose directly to the hearts of your target market. Simply by enhancing its immediate surrounding with scents. Or we engage in communingly designing your Corporate Scent that translates your company´s philosophy into a fragrance.

What is needed is no more than

  • The desire to stand above the crowd
  • A suitable scent conception
  • A creative scent selection
  • The appropriate equipment, either bought or rented
  • And less budget than you would think.

Successful Fair Booths Smell Well
(Isabella Flamm 2007)

> 95% of visitors accept soft odourization
> 70% of companys support the notion of increasing importance


The effect of odourization at the PoS
(Anja Stöhr 1996)

Acceptance of consultation increases by 20%-25% in positively odourized atmosphere.
Sales increases at odourized sales outlets.
Healthy atmosphere increases personnel sales power

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